"Internetdagi eng sirli qo'shiq" 1980-yillarda yozilgan qo'shiq yozuviga berilgan taxallusdir. Like The Wind, Blind The Wind, Check in, Check It Out ýa-da Take It In, Take It Out kabi nomlar bilan ham tanilgan. Qo'shiqning matni, kelib chiqishi, muallifi, nomi va asl yozilgan sanasi noma'lum.
Qo'shiq yozilgan yili
Ba'zi manbalarga ko'ra, bu qo'shiqni taxminan 1984 yilda Dairus ismli odam uni birinchi marta eshitganida yoqtirgan va yozgi qilib olgan. Bu qo'shiq NDR radiosida atigi 2 marta yangragan. Qo'shiqning muallifi, nima uchun aytgani va qo'shiq qachon aytilgani noma'lum. Shuning uchun ham qo‘shiq “Internetning eng sirli qo‘shig‘i” deb nomlandi. (Menimcha, qo'shiq hozirgi ,,BA'ZI" qo'shiqlardan yaxshiroq)
Qo'shiq matni (ba'zi so'zlar o'zgarishi mumkin):
Like the wind, you came here running
Take the consequence for living
There's no space, there's no tomorrow
There's no sense for communication
Check it in, check it out
Or the sun will never die
There's a long dirty way
In the subways of your mind
Like the wind, you're going somewhere
Letters far to you for ev'rywhere
There's no place, and there's no sorrow
Hear the young and restless screaming
Check it in, check it out
Or the sun will never die
There's a long dirty way
In the subways of your mind